"Navigating Transition from Empty Nest to Free Range Adult Mom - A woman with a backpack walking down a path, symbolizing the journey of motherhood transformation, with an empty bird's nest in the foreground and the DNA True North logo."

Transition from Empty Nest Mom to Mom of a Free Range Adult

June 30, 20244 min read

“Change is an event, but a transition is the process that you go through in response to the change.” - William Bridges


The Emotional Rollercoaster of an Empty Nest

As children grow up and leave home, many mothers find themselves in a new and often challenging phase of life known as the "empty nest." This is a major transition and can evoke a mix of emotions- from excitement and relief to sadness and loss, confusion, despair, rejection and eventually, renewal and growth. Understanding and navigating this seemingly empty landscape can help moms embrace this new chapter with grace and optimism, transforming to flourish as moms of free range adults.

"An exhilarating outdoor adventure scene featuring a smiling older woman with a large blue backpack and gray hair, standing on a mountain top. The sun is shining brightly behind her. Two skydivers, one on each side, are in mid-air, expressing joy with their hands raised. In the background, majestic mountains and a serene lake are visible, with another younger man seated, gazing at the scenic view."

The Journey from Empty Nest to Mom of Free Range Adult:

Transitions requires MOVEMENT, like in a journey where one moves from the old land (stage 1) into neutral no-man’s land (stage 2) and finally the new land (stage 3).

The first step involves closing the old chapter. For many moms, this means acknowledging and mourning the end of an era—the daily routines, the noise, the constant presence of their children.

In this stage, it's essential to become AWARE and identify the losses in order to grieve. This is a natural and necessary part of moving forward.

"When the old is closed, the mind is open to new ideas in the neutral zone."

"Three colored circles representing transition stages: Old or End Zone (red), Neutral Zone (orange), and Beginning or New Zone (yellow)."

 Navigating the Neutral Zone: Embracing new Perspectives

After the initial closure, moms enter what is often called the "neutral zone." This period can feel disorienting, marked by confusion, anxiety, and a sense of being in limbo and stuck. In the neutral zone, these emotions can be overwhelming and unwanted which undermines the sense of achievement reaching this point, but they also provide the fuel for creativity and innovation. Unlock hidden potential, personal growth and self-discovery of gifts, skills, strengths, by turning emotions into strategies, explore new hobbies, rekindle old passions, and envision a future that redefines your purpose and redefines your life.

Emerging into a New Beginning: Your new True North Identity

Eventually, the neutral zone gives way to new beginnings. This final stage of transition is about CHOICE, constructing a new identity and finding joy in new routines and opportunities. It involves accepting the changes, exploring new options,  and walking in your central definite purpose (CDP).

For many moms, finding meaning could include focusing on their careers, taking up new educational pursuits, or investing time in relationships and activities that were previously on the back burner. It's a time of rejuvenation and empowerment, restoring your identity to beyond parenting that allows you to ARISE and ASCEND in pursuit of your personal True North.

Practical Tips for Managing the Empty Nest Transition

  1. Identify Your Emotions: Acknowledge the shift and where you are in the transition process, giving permission to feel.

  2. Count Your Losses: It's okay to mourn the changes and recognize the impact of this transition.

  3. Seek Support: Connect with other moms going through the same experience. Support groups with coaches and mentors can be very beneficial.

  4. Journal Your Journey or make a vision board: Writing can help you process emotions and find meaning and healing in the transition. Create a vision board or tangible image with symbols of what the new land can include to inspire and motivate you.

  5. Nurture yourself: Physical activity will boost your mood and help you stay positive, as well as nutritional food. Join a Pilates class, walking group or gym.

  6. Explore New Interests: Use this time to discover new passions or revisit old ones.

  7. Stay connected, be present in the moment: Implement regular 1-1 time with your spouse/ children/ or those you love.

Conclusion: Embracing Change with an Attitude of Gratitude

Transitioning through an empty nest mom to mom of free ranging adults is undoubtedly challenging, but it also holds the promise of new opportunities and growth. Resilience can be learnt, practice this daily by living with an attitude of gratitude. By understanding the stages of transition and taking proactive steps to manage your emotions and explore new paths, you can step into your purpose and redefine your life.

 Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened!

Join other moms in redefining your life with DNA True North Gift Discovery with the guidance of Purpose Coach Sonja Chadwick.

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Sonjalizél Chadwick, known as Sonja, is a seasoned professional with a diverse background spanning finance, education, tourism, and sports. Sonja's leadership, organizational, and communication skills shined through her roles as instructor, bookkeeper, tourism manager, personality profile trainer, homeschool mom and life coach. She has excelled in training people to become upstanding leaders, unlocking hidden potential and motivating them to leaving a legacy behind rather than a memory. Her commitment to excellence and high moral standards, coupled with her adaptability and flexibility, make her a valuable asset in any role. Overcoming various personal challenges showcases her grit, tenacity leading those under her influence to victory. Currently, she operates as a DNA True North Transformational Purpose coach in her own business, Life Redefined.

Sonja Chadwick

Sonjalizél Chadwick, known as Sonja, is a seasoned professional with a diverse background spanning finance, education, tourism, and sports. Sonja's leadership, organizational, and communication skills shined through her roles as instructor, bookkeeper, tourism manager, personality profile trainer, homeschool mom and life coach. She has excelled in training people to become upstanding leaders, unlocking hidden potential and motivating them to leaving a legacy behind rather than a memory. Her commitment to excellence and high moral standards, coupled with her adaptability and flexibility, make her a valuable asset in any role. Overcoming various personal challenges showcases her grit, tenacity leading those under her influence to victory. Currently, she operates as a DNA True North Transformational Purpose coach in her own business, Life Redefined.

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